Centennial’s PTC hosted our annual Jog-A-Thon. Our Cubs were wild about running!  Students ran laps after warming up with the BC Football team.  Many thanks to our volunteers and sponsors! ❤️🐻🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️🐯🦁🦊🐨
1 day ago, Rosedale USD
Running Wild Jog a thin sign with balloons
kids running around track, two girls wearing tutus
group of kids standing on blacktop with football players in red jerseys and “dinosaur"
boys walking around track
kids running under arch giving high five to football players
two ladies tuning holding the hand of a little girl
group of girls wearing pink and black
someone dressed in zebra costume holding up a sign “number 2"
boys running under arch of football players arms
kids running under arch giving football players high five
Advanced Art students at FMS visited local art gallery, RAM Gallery, located in old town Kern. Students were led on a tour of the space and learned about the process of presenting work once it’s ready for exhibition. 🖼️🎨🖌️ #FalconSOAR
2 days ago, Rosedale USD
group of students standing together in the art gallery
boys looking at art
girl writing on a clipboard
students in the art gallery writing notes on a clipboard
girls standing together looking at a painting
students looking at a piece of art on the wall
students looking at art and writing notes
two girls looking at a painting
lady speaking to students in the art gallery
lady speaking to students
Patriot 3rd Graders read a fascinating story about bats and how technology was created using research from bats to help people who are sight impaired. Students listened to the story, read together as a class, and had the opportunity to read with another student.📖📚📖📚
2 days ago, Rosedale USD
two girls laying on the floor reading
boy and girl laying on the floor reading
two girls reading
two boys sitting together reading
two girls sitting on the couch reading
two boys sitting on the floor reading
two girls reading together
buy and girl sitting together at their desk reading
More of Patriot Elementary students and staff participating in Read Across America week fun dress up days! 🧢👒🎩⛑️🧑‍🚒🩺🥼👮‍♂️🤠
3 days ago, Rosedale USD
group wearing different hats
two girls dressed as twins but one wearing a cheese head and the other wearing a sombrero
kids dressed up like policemen and firemen
kids wearing different hats
kids dressed up
group of adults wearing different hats
kids dressed in costume
kids wearing different hats
two adults and two kids wearing different hats
girls dressed like doctors
Patriot kicked off Read Across America week with fun dress up days! The amount of school spirit displayed is inspiring! (We look forward to the 2nd half of the week!) 🧢👒🎩⛑️🧑‍🚒🩺🥼👮‍♂️🤠
3 days ago, Rosedale USD
lady smiling with two small children
group of kids wearing different hats
group of boys wearing different hats
lady and girl dressed like twins
group of students dressed up in work attire, doctors, firemen, nurses, policemen
two boys dressed up in scrubs
boy wearing football helmet
kids dressed in pajamas
group of adults dressed the same with Patriot school t-shirts
group wearing different hats
Shoutout to our incredible school social workers on National School Social Worker Week! Your dedication, compassion, and support make a world of difference for our students, families, and staff. Thank you for all that you do! ❤️🙌🏼❤️#SchoolSocialWork #Grateful #MakingADifference
3 days ago, Rosedale USD
one man and two ladies smiling for a picture
American Elementary went back in time to find California Gold during their 4th-grade Gold Rush day. Students dressed the part and struck it rich with Gold!
4 days ago, Rosedale USD
boys dressed up as miners crushing corn
boy wearing a beard, glasses and ball cap crushing corn
boy with a beard wearing a cowboy hat showing a picture of a spike hammer
girls dressed in attire for Gold Rush days
group of girls dressed up in Gold Rush attire
group of kids dressed up Gold Rush Days
At Centennial Elementary Mrs. Whitten’s third graders are tackling the tough concept of elapsed time using clocks as manipulatives. These students will now always be on time! ❤️🐻⏰
4 days ago, Rosedale USD
students working on telling time with clock manipulatives
students working in class with clock manipulatives
boy working in workbook on time
students working with clock manipulatives
Almondale is celebrating Read Across America week with dress up days! Today’s pajama day is also Stanley’s birthday! Students in Mrs. Hashim‘s first grade class wrote him beautiful cards and gave him a bag of his favorite treats: carrots! 🥕 ⭐️💙💚
5 days ago, Rosedale USD
dog with pj’s on
dog with birthday hat on in front of door with birthday cards
happy birthday Stanley with picture of a dog and a carrot
happy Birthday card for Stanley
picture of Stanley the dog in his PJ’s
birthday card for Stanley the dog
happy birthday card for Stanley
Centennial Elementary celebrated Read Across America by having some very special guests read to our Cubs. We appreciate all who came to show our students how important reading is! ❤️🐻📚⭐️
5 days ago, Rosedale USD
man reading to students
lady reading to students
lady standing in front of classroom reading
police officer talking to classroom of students
group of boys speaking to classroom of students
man dressed as a cowboy and teacher wearing a Dr. Seuss t-shirt  and hat
girl reading to students
lady speaking in front of classroom
group of kids sitting in a circle with lady sitting in chair
Patriot TK students got to learn what it means to take care of and help animals. Students ran their own veterinary hospital for stuffed animals and practiced listening and speaking to one another. 🐶🐈🩺
6 days ago, Rosedale USD
students standing under vet clinic sign
students playing veterinarians
students pretending to be veterinarians
little girl setting up vet clinic
students pretending to be seen in vet clinic
kids with stuffed animals waiting to see “veterinarian"
Elaina Rusk, from local news station KGET, visited Patriot on Wednesday.  As a meteorologist, she was able to share how weather is forecast, answer questions, and interact with students all things weather! ☁️☀️🌦️🌨️❄️
8 days ago, Rosedale USD
lady on stage reading a book to students about weather
lady speaking to students about the weather
lady speaking to students at assembly
lady on stage speaking to students
Fathers and daughters came together at Rosedale North for a fun night of dancing at the Sweethearts Father-Daughter Dance! Thank you to our amazing PTC for putting on this annual event. ❤️💃🏻🎈
12 days ago, Rosedale USD
fathers and daughters dancing
dad dancing with his daughter
dad with his two daughters
dad and daughter standing in front of balloons
dad twirling his daughter dancing
two dad with their daughters
dad with his daughters in front of red and pink balloons
dad with his daughter holding flowers
ladies smiling for a picutre
Independence 5th graders participated in California Weekly Explorer’s Walk Through the American Revolution. We are so thankful for the opportunity to bring history alive! 🇺🇸❤️💙
12 days ago, Rosedale USD
kids dressed in American Revolution attire
students presenting the American Revolution
group of students dressed as American Revolution with flags representing the times
students giving a  presentation about American Revolution
students presenting the American Revolution in costume
group of students in American Revolution attire
Congratulations to our students that will be representing Rosedale Union School District at the Regional Spelling Bee on March 3, 2025! 🐝👏🏻 Brecken Cloud - Independence John Edward Esteban - Del Rio Lalima Jyoti - Freedom Middle Maggie Kreiser - Almondale Carson Yanney - Rosedale Middle Best of luck to each of you! 🙌🏼
14 days ago, Rosedale USD
Almondale All Stars in 2nd grade’s Room 15 earned a GLOW DAY 💡 for meeting a goal of reading 250 books this quarter so far! Each student had to read at least five books and many more to meet that goal (they are at 260 so far!)! These glow day centers keep the learning fun! 🌟 💡 💙💚
15 days ago, Rosedale USD
students with glow in the dark glasses and lights
girls working in class around table in glow in the dark
kids working on classwork under glow in the dark lights
students working on school work in glow in the dark
Independence TK EDC kids coding robots in ELOP Robotics 🤖
15 days ago, Rosedale USD
two girls sitting on the floor with remote controls
boy with a remote control
girl laying on the floor with remote control
Freedom Middle School held a special rose giving ceremony for all 8th grade basketball players & cheerleaders tonight at their last home game of the season. 📣🌹🏀. Way to go Falcons! A huge shoutout to all of the parents who helped make this all possible. ❣️
15 days ago, Rosedale USD
cheerleaders with their family
group of cheerleaders sitting on the bleachers
group of students with their parents for 8th grade night
girl basketball players with parents
girl basketball players with their parents
basketball team and parents for 8th grade night
boy basketball players and their parents
basketball players and their parents
Patriot 6th graders WINN (What I Need Now) groups did a knockout style battle of tick tack toe with solving algebraic expressions using a single variable. Students enjoyed the activity and  the ability to be competitive in Math! 😀
15 days ago, Rosedale USD
boys playing math tic tac toe
 girls playing math tic tac toe
girls playing math tic tac toe
boys solving math problems
students playing math tic tac toe
girls playing math tic tac toe
girls playing math tic tac toe
*SAVE THE DATE* Rosedale Union School District online registration for all new incoming TK - 8th Grade students begins March 1, 2025 🍎
17 days ago, Rosedale USD
Save the date