(I apologize for the delay in this message)
Dear Rosedale North Families,
This Wednesday (01/29/2025), our school will be participating in a lockdown drill. This is NOT an actual event.
It is important that we prepare our students for moments where such a call would need to be made. This will be a time where our teachers are working with your students and talking with them about what to do, if such an announcement were to be made. It is our hope (intention) that this style of practice will help aleve some of the anxious or nervous feelings students may feel towards this topic.
We want nothing more than for our students and staff to be well-prepared in such a case.
With that being said, this is only a drill.
Please feel free to reach out to our office if you have any questions or concerns.
Have a great day Roadrunners!
Dr. Zach Ellis
Principal, Rosedale North

Parents, Students, and Staff,
Thank you for an incredible first week. Everything ran smoothly all thanks to your help and support! You all are awesome!
There are just a couple of reminders coming up:
This Wednesday will start off our minimum day Wednesday schedule for staff development.
Release times include:
AM TK - 11:05
PM TK - 2:25
Kinder through 6th grade - 1:35
Needless to say, there will be a ton of traffic. Please, for your child's safety, please be patient and continue to wait patiently through pick up as we safely hand your precious cargo to you. Please use crosswalks and avoid jaywalking as this is both hazardous for your child's safety and against the law. Finally, please plan accordingly for the extra time, so that we maintain a calm and stress-free experience for both the staff and your children. We can do this, together!
In addition, join us this Thursday, August 22nd, as we kick off our year with a Parent Information Night (Back to School) and Scholastic Book Fair.
The back to school schedule will be:
5:05 - 5:25 - Title 1 Parent Meeting (Multipurpose Room)
5:30 - 5:55 - PTC Meeting (Multipurpose Room)
6:00 - 6:25 - Teacher Presentation 1
6:30 - 6:55 - Teacher Presentation 2
7:00 - 7:25 - 6th Grade Camp KEEP Meeting (Multipurpose Room)
TK - 5th Grade - All sessions done by 7:00 PM
6th Grade - Camp KEEP session closes at 7:30 PM
Next, This week we are seeking participants in the Rosedale North School Site Council (SSC). Be an advocate for your students education and join the SSC. There are three vacancies this year. We will have six meetings throughout the school year and we will discuss all the things happening here on campus including how the school budget impacts school site goals! The virtual nomination form will be sent out later this week, so please be on the lookout.
Finally, This week we have been going around to the classrooms having conversations, introducing myself and also going over schoolwide expectations. Your children have been amazing during those conversations. I just wanted to let you know, in reviewing our goals and the feedback from parents and staff, we will be strict with both our discipline and dress code policies in order to ensure a very safe and inviting school environment where your children want to be. Please have those conversations with your students, so that they understand that these are non-negotiables.
We are looking forward to an awesome year full of engaging and positive experiences with your students. Our school goals being Student Engagement and Relationships. If at anytime, you have any questions or would like to address any concerns, please reach out. I am here for you!
See you all this Thursday!
Dr. Zach Ellis
Principal, Rosedale North Elementary

Lego Club is cancelled for Tuesday April 9th.

Friday March 22nd is a Minimum Day for ALL students. Prek-TK 7:55-11:15 and 1st-6th Grade 7:55-12:35. School will be closed March 25th - April 1st for Spring Break. School will resume on April 2nd.

Wednesday, Feb. 7th is a MINIMUM day for all students due to Teacher In-service.
AM/PM Preschool and TK: 7:55-11:15am
Kindergarten-6th Grade: 7:55-12:35pm

Monday January 22nd - Friday January 26th is Kindness week. We are celebrating with spirit days.
Monday - wear neon,
Tuesday- wear crazy hair, clothes, socks, etc,
Wednesday - wear sports attire,
Thursday - dress up like a superhero,
Friday - Rosedale North spirit wear

Thursday Jan. 11th is a minimum day for 4th-6th Grade only. They will be dismissed at 12:35.

No School Friday November 10th in Observance of Veteran's Day. To all our Rosedale North Veteran's, Thank You for your service! Enjoy your weekend!

The Performing Arts Recital for TK-3rd grade is Friday, October 27th at 10:00am in the Multipurpose Room.

The Rosedale North Spelling Bee is Friday October 27th at 8:15am.

October 23-27 is our Blanket and Towel Drive for the animal shelter. Please bring in clean blankets and towels to donate.

Friday, October 27th is a minimum day for all TK and Preschool students. The minimum day hours are 7:55am-11:15am.

Parent Teacher Conferences and Minimum Days October 23-27 dismissal is at 12:35 for Kindergarten to 6th Grade.

Sign up to decorate a trunk at the RN Trunk R Treat on Friday, October 20th. Use this google form to sign up: https://forms.gle/pJ4NfJFpmz4vZA3y7

Cookie Dough Fundraiser Order Forms will go home today. Sale starts tomorrow 10/3 and ends 10/30.

Trunk 'R Treat Pre-sale begins Monday, October 2nd. $5.00 per treater.

Trunk 'R Treat Candy Drive begins Monday, October 2nd.

The Popcornopolis fundraiser is due Friday 9/29/23 by 2:30pm. Late orders are not accepted.

Spirit Sticks will be sold for $1.00 out of the Library before school every Friday morning.

Picture day is Wednesday, September 20th. Lifetouch is doing something new this year and they are not providing picture day order forms. Students will bring home proof 10-15 days after picture day. You will then have the option to choose from one of two poses and purchase your pictures online. There will not be a picture day code. You will need your student's 10 digit student number. If you do not have that number, please request that number from their teacher.